Source code for piview.Utils

# Project:    PiView
# Filename:
# Location:   ./piview
# Author:     Adrian Gould <>
# Created:    10/04/21
# This file provides the following features, methods and associated
# supporting code:
# - draw a line using a provided string
# - format a number (bytes) into Bytes, KB, MB, GB,...
# - random number (percentage) between max and min percentages

import random

[docs]class Utils: @staticmethod
[docs] def draw_line(characters="-=-", length=40): """ Draw a line of characters using a given character and length :param characters: string, the character(s) to draw with :param length: integer), the length of the line :rtype: string :return: A string of exactly length characters """ characters_length = len(characters) repeats = length // characters_length extras = length % characters_length line = characters * repeats for count in range(extras): next_character = characters[count] line = f"{line}{next_character}" return line
# Original found in: # # -application # -converting-b-to-kb-mb-gb-tb/37423778 @staticmethod
[docs] def format_bytes(size=0, style=None): """ Formats the given value into Bytes, Kilobytes, Megabytes, ... Using Byte shorthand by default - B, KB, MB, ... The style may be: - None | short | s -- Short labels - long | l -- Long labels If style is anything other than above, then defaults to long format. :param size: integer, defaults to 0 :param style: string, defaults to None :rtype: tuple :return: (float, string) """ power = 2 ** 10 # 2**10 = 1024 n = 0 short_labels = {0: '', 1: 'K', 2: 'M', 3: 'G', 4: 'T', 5: 'P', 6: 'E', 7: 'Y'} long_labels = {0: '', 1: 'Kilo', 2: 'Mega', 3: 'Giga', 4: 'Tera', 5: 'Peta', 6: 'Exa', 7: 'Yotta'} short_end = "B" long_end = "bytes" while size >= power: size /= power n += 1 if style in [None, "short", 's']: power_labels = short_labels.copy() suffix = short_end else: power_labels = long_labels.copy() suffix = long_end return size, power_labels[n] + suffix
[docs] def random_percentage(min_percentage=0, max_percentage=100): """ This function returns a random percentage. Useful for simulations when developing monitoring dashboards :param min_percentage: float, minimum value to return, default 0.0 :param max_percentage: float, maximum to return, default 100.0 :rtype: float :return: A random CPU load value between 0% and 100% to 1DP """ load = random.gauss(55, 10) if load < min_percentage: return 0.0 elif load > max_percentage: return 100.0 else: return round(load, 1)